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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sewing Tips - Make A Cutting Mat That Doesn't Slip

Sewing Tips - Make A Cutting Mat That Doesn't Slip

Hi Sewing Friends:

We had a very nice Sewing Guild meeting yesterday. Stephanie Kimura was our guest speaker. She is so talented and so much fun. We all really enjoyed her program. Her handbags are so unique. I won one as the doorprize. How lucky for me.

A few of our ladies had questions for me. Those questions usually inspire another article and I will get to all of them over time. Hope you can use this one. It is my favorite cutting mat.

It just makes sense!

To Your Sewing Success,


Sewing Tip - Make A Cutting Mat That Doesn't Slip

- by Marian Lewis

©2006 Marian Lewis - All Rights Reserved

1st Step To Sewing Success


When you are sewing, rotary cutting mats are great for cutting with a rotary cutter. However, when you are cutting slippery fabrics, it is difficult to keep the fabric where you want it.

Here is a sewing tip on how you can make your own non-slip cutting mat.

Create A Cork Top Table

Use cork sheeting as a non-slip cutting mat when you are sewing and cutting silky, slippery fabrics or anytime you are cutting with dressmaker shears. The fabric doesn't move around like it does on the rotary mat. Poke your pins right into the cork to hold your fashion fabric. This is great for tracing patterns, too. Stabbing the pins into the cork holds everything in place.

Find cork sheeting at your local hardware store like Home Depot or Lowes. Wider widths are available there. Craft stores usually carry only narrow widths. Have the hardware store cut the cork to the size of your cutting table.

Draw vertical, horizontal and bias lines on it with permanent marker if you like. Glue a tape measure along the ends for quick measuring.

Cork Sheeting is flexible and lightweight. You can roll it up when not in use. Or, keep it on top of or under your rotary cutting mat so that it is handy when you need it. It will keep the rotary mat from slipping on the table if you keep the cork under the rotary mat when not in use.

Another idea is to use cork tiles to create a cork top table.

More Sewing Tips

Raise Your Table Legs

To help prevent back aches, raise your cutting table up higher by placing tall cans like juice cans under each leg. This helps tremendously.

If you want to permanently raise the legs of your table and the legs are tubular, you might try PVC pipe. Put caps on the ends of the pipe or use casters to keep the legs from marking the floor.

Steady Your Sewing and Overlock Machines

Use a square of cork sheeting under your overlock-serger or sewing machine to keep it from moving around when you sew. This is also good on the floor to keep your foot pedal from sliding around.

Make A Portable Cork Cutting Mat

Glue some cork sheeting to the backside of your small portable rotary cutting mat so you can take it with you when you go to your sewing classes or travel. Then, you will have both mats available when you need them.

Make A Cork Bulletin Board

Make a cork bulletin board to post your sewing notes, etc. Recycle an old picture frame. Glue cork to a piece of cardboard and frame it.

Or frame the cork with some trim from your stash or glue measure tapes around it or old spools of thread.

It just makes sense!


End Of Article


PS: If you enjoyed this article or have a comment, please do so here on my Sewing Success Blog. Actually, you can check out most of my articles here. You might find something that interests you in the archives. Check it out. I welcome your feedback :-)

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If you have sewing related questions that you would like to have answered, ask them here or at Burning Question.

I'll do my best to answer them for you.


Marian Lewis is a sewing instructor, author and creator of an amazing new fitting method for hard-to-fit sewing folks who want great fitting skirts and pants. In her mini-course ebook, she teaches step-by-step common sense techniques how to find out WHAT you really need, WHERE you really need it and HOW to apply that to a commercial sewing pattern.

Marian is also the author of many articles and other mini-course ebooks related to sewing highlighting, "It Doesn't LOOK Homemade"Sewing Techniques.

Check out her website at 1st Step To Sewing Success.

Discover Fitting And Sewing SecretsTo Achieve Sewing Success

Check out the mini-course ebooks:

"Common Sense Fitting Method For Hard-To-Fit Sewing Folks Who Want Great Fitting Skirts And Pants"

"Sew A Tee Pee And Accessories For Your Tribe Of Kids"

"Classy Designer Straight Skirt"


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